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Maria Blanche
Dec 21, 20183 min read
The Rainbow and the Worm
Another motivation for writing this book is to show that science, when properly perceived, is far from being alienating and dehumanizing. In
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Maria Blanche
Oct 28, 20172 min read
Ascension Resources
Here's a list of people talking about the shift in consciousness. I like to list them here for a couple reasons. Some people on the list...
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Maria Blanche
Oct 27, 20171 min read
On the Bookshelf
Remember those book reports from school? This is similar with a multidimensional twist of course. I'd like to review each book and try...
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Maria Blanche
Jul 11, 20173 min read
Oracle Cards Review: Shaman Wisdom Cards
Okay I'll be honest, these cards were out of my comfort zone, and it took some time to understand their energy. However it is absolutely...
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Maria Blanche
Jul 10, 20174 min read
Feel the Fear... and do it Anyway
I spent so much time waiting to feel confident before I would take any action towards my goals. I was always prodded by deadlines and anxiet
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Maria Blanche
May 14, 20173 min read
The Essential Rumi
Rumi is quoted everywhere. My guess would be Einstein, Ghandi, then Rumi. Some might see him as the pumpkin spice latte of poetry
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